Saturday, August 12, 2023

Strong El Niño Odds Increasing, NOAA Latest Update Says

 Jonathan Erdman and Chris Dolce

Published: August 11, 2023

El Niño has an increasing chance of becoming strong, with potential influences on the weather we see through this winter, according to a just-released monthly update from NOAA.

Here are the main takeaways from the August update:

1. El Niño conditions remain in place after the event was officially deemed underway in June. It's 95% likely that El Niño will continue through winter.

2. El Niño is forecast to grow in strength through fall or early winter. That peak timing is typical for El Niño and its counterpart La Niña before diminishing the following spring.

3​. There is a 2-in-3 chance this El Niño becomes "strong" by sometime in the fall or early winter, NOAA said. In general, the stronger El Niño becomes, the more influence it can potentially have on global weather patterns. But those stronger impacts aren't a guarantee, NOAA cautioned.

What is El Niño? A​n El Niño is a periodic warming of a strip of water straddling the equator in the Pacific Ocean, as shown in the general area highlighted in the map below.

NOAA declares an El Niño has developed when sea-surface temperatures in a certain region of the equatorial Pacific Ocean have reached at least 0.5 degrees Celsius (0.9 degrees Fahrenheit) above average for at least a month and are accompanied by changes in the atmosphere.

That warming is occurring both at the surface and a few hundred meters below the surface, supporting the developing El Niño.

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When was the last El Niño? This is the first El Niño in four years. This strip of water has actually been cooler than average over much of the past three years, which is known as a La Niña. But that ended by March, and water temperatures in this area have now warmed above the El Niño criteria.

Article imageSea-surface temperature anomalies in the region we monitor for El Niño and La Niña from 1982 through May 2023. Positive anomalies are shown in red, while negative anomalies are shown in blue. The +/- 0.5 degree Celsius thresholds for El Niño and La Niña are shown by the horizontal red and blue lines, respectively.

P​otential Impacts

While not the only influence, an El Niño can eventually steer weather patterns in parts of the world, including the tropics and the U.S. The stronger it is, the more influence it could have.

Here are some possible impacts El Niño could have this hurricane season and in winter:

Hurricane Season

In El Niño hurricane seasons, stronger shearing winds often occur over at least the Caribbean Sea and some adjacent parts of the Atlantic Basin.

This tends to limit the number and intensity of storms and hurricanes, especially if the El Niño is stronger, as we investigated in a March article. It can squash storms in the southern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea due to El Niño-enhanced wind shear and sinking air, while more typical activity roams the rest of the Atlantic from off western Africa to the Bermuda Triangle.

H​owever, separate outlooks from Colorado State University, The Weather Company and NOAA noted a warmer Atlantic Ocean may work against the influence of El Niño in 2023.

And, at least so far this season, this increased wind shear in the Caribbean Sea typical of El Niños hasn't happened yet.

T​hat has forecasters concerned that El Niño's typical calming influence may not arrive in time for the hurricane season.

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Winter 2023-24

Most El Niños hit their peak in late fall or winter and thus have their strongest influence on weather patterns in the colder months.

T​he classic El Niño winter is rather warm from Alaska into western and central Canada and then into the northern tier of states from the Pacific Northwest to the western Great Lakes.

I​t tends to be colder and wetter than average through much of the southern U.S., particularly from Texas to the Carolinas. We found that some cities in the Southwest, Southern Plains and mid-Atlantic have their snowiest winters during El Niño.

O​ther factors can and do influence winter weather patterns, including the polar vortex. But if this El Niño becomes strong, this may be the general picture to expect next winter.

Article imageTypical impacts during an El Niño from December through February in North America.

Global Temperatures

NOAA's ENSO blog noted the warmest year of any decade tends to occur during an El Niño.

B​ut the planet's warming now means that even recent La Niña years have become warmer than El Niño years in past decades, as the graph below illustrates.

NOAA's calculations as of their June report give about a 20% chance that this will be the warmest year on record and a 90% chance it will rank at least in the top five.

Article imageMonthly global temperature anomalies (degrees Celsius) from 1980 through June 2023 in El Niño months (red), neutral months (gray) and La Niña months (blue), relative to the 20th century (1901-2000) average. Each month since 1979 has been at least somewhat warmer than that 20th century average.


2​023 Hurricane Season Outlook

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Jonathan Erdman is a senior meteorologist at and has been an incurable weather geek since a tornado narrowly missed his childhood home in Wisconsin at age 7. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Chris Dolce has been a senior meteorologist with for over 10 years after beginning his career with The Weather Channel in the early 2000s.

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

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