Monday, January 31, 2022

'Today's the day!' Happy couple ties the knot during historic blizzard

 Donning scarves and snow boots, the newlyweds and their friends and family made the most of the once-in-a-lifetime snowy affair.

In what might have been one of the most accidentally extreme weddings ever, a Rhode Island couple decided that a little bit -- or even a lot a bit -- of snow wasn't going to stop their long-planned wedding.

Adam and Sally Irujo had been attached to the date January 29, 2022, having had it circled on the calendar for more than a year. By the time the forecast signaled a historic blizzard for Providence, Rhode Island, the couple did not want to push the wedding back.

"We have a few cutting boards with this date on it, a couple mugs and a marriage license with it on it," Sally told NBC 10 News. "Today's the day."

With the date set and their minds made up, the Lincoln, Rhode Island, couple decided to push through the historic blizzard and get married during the snowstorm. They still showed up for the ceremony in traditional wedding attire although Sally donned a scarf and both wore snow boots.

The happy couple and friends and family bundled up and successfully journeyed to the venue, the Providence Public Library, which let them get married on its steps despite the adverse conditions. The two were pronounced husband and wife on the snowy steps of the Providence Public Library as a major snowstorm was pounding the Northeast.

As the newly-married couple leaned in for a wedding kiss, in an almost storybook-like scene, massive snowflakes fell from the sky. The happy crowd applauded, with some tossing the snow up in the air to celebrate.

"We thought it was going to be hard, and then it all came together, like the Providence Public Library worked with us so well, all our vendors somehow were available the next day, and I think it was just meant to be," Sally said.

After the wedding, the newlyweds added some layers to their marriage attire, with Adam donning his ski goggles, and had a snowball fight with their friends and family outside the library, making the most of their extremely unique wedding day.

All told, more than 19 inches of snow fell in the Providence area during the historic blizzard, the fourth-biggest snowstorm the city has ever recorded, reported NBC 10 News.


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