Sunday, September 26, 2021

Hurricane Ida Heat Deaths Prompt Renewed Look at Emergency Planning for Vulnerable Populations

 Jan Wesner Childs

Published: September 22, 2021
Article imageOccupants prepare to depart the Renaissance Place senior living apartments in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, Friday, Sept. 3, 2021, in New Orleans. They were among hundreds of elderly and disabled residents evacuated from government-subsidized deemed unsafe in the immediate days after the storm.

Hundreds of elderly and disabled residents of low-income housing in New Orleans sat in their dark, hot apartments for days after Hurricane Ida knocked out electricity to the entire city.

At least five of them died, found during checks by city health and public safety officials amid prolonged post-storm power outages that affected the entire city.

Dr. Jennifer Avegno, director of the New Orleans Department of Health, described conditions as "chaotic" and "miserable."

"In some of them, there was standing water on the floor. Not that there had been a flood but because it was so hot and muggy, condensation was dripping onto the floor and that of course is really dangerous," Avegno said.

Issues included no working elevators, no lights in stairwells and no way for some people to get down from the upper floors of the buildings.

"Certainly, in some places, the smell was quite strong, whether it was from garbage or just sort of the condition of a building without power for a couple of days," Avegno said. "Some of these conditions were really, really tough. It was hard to see residents like that."

The deaths are prompting a renewed look at planning for weather disasters in subsidized housing and who's responsible to make sure residents of buildings set aside for the elderly, disabled and low income are taken care of during emergencies.

(MORE: Hurricane Ida Recap: Devastation in Southeast Louisiana, Then Record Flooding in the Northeast)

Avegno and other officials and experts interviewed by since the deaths paint a complicated picture of how the system works and what might be done to change it.

Avegno said the city doesn't have any oversight when it comes to this type of housing, where residents live on their own just like they would in any other apartment complex.

"These are private facilities either run by private corporations or run by nonprofits. They're not city facilities," said Avegno.

She said the city has worked with some of the facilities in past disasters, but because they are not required to have licenses like nursing homes or assisted living facilities, they don't have the same standards. Policy changes are already being looked at in response to what happened after Ida, Avegno said.

Many of the buildings are subsidized by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

"Unlike nursing homes, these properties are not medical facilities or care facilities," Mike Burns, a spokesperson for the department, said in an email.

Burns said HUD was "actively monitoring the tragic situation in New Orleans" and would continue to work with the health department "on these and other properties to ensure the health, safety and well-being of residents."

HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge visited residents of some of the affected buildings on Friday during a post-Ida tour of New Orleans and surrounding areas. She pledged change going forward.

"You are going to see a new way that HUD is going to look at these issues," Fudge said, according to

What Happened After Ida

Avegno said her department was in contact with employees or management of some of the buildings both before and after the storm.

"Communication proved to be a real challenge," she said. "We started to realize we really weren’t getting a good sense of what was going on on the ground within the first few days after the storm and understanding that as it looked like power was going to take longer than normal to come back on."

City personnel set out to check about 30 buildings, in some cases going door-to-door and forcing their way in. Spot checks were conducted on others.

"What we saw over the ensuing one to two days was that some of these facilities really were not safe for residents even though they had maybe tried their best and gotten food and water," said Avegno. "There was a wide variety of staff onsite or not onsite. The ability to check up on residents in a timely fashion and then the connection that residents needed to other services for some of these places just really wasn’t there. So we had to mobilize really quickly to identify those facilities that really posed an emergent threat to life and safety and arrange for them to be transported to shelters four and five hours away."

Eight of the buildings were evacuated completely.

Article imageOccupants depart the Renaissance Place senior living apartments in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, Friday, Sept. 3, 2021, in New Orleans.

While the city doesn't have oversight as to how the buildings are run, it does have the authority to deem structures uninhabitable amid a public emergency such as a hurricane.

"When (the health department) identified there were serious health concerns, or if we identified a death on the property, then certainly that proves the point that they were not safe," said Avegno.

(MORE: Heat Is Biggest Killer in Louisiana After Hurricane Ida)

Kimberly Hollard Brechtel, a spokesperson for Providence Community Housing, a nonprofit real estate development group that owns some of the buildings that were evacuated, said they have generator power but not enough to supply electricity to individual apartments.

Day-to-day operations at the apartments are run by a third-party management company, Brechtel said in an email.

She said Providence bears no direct responsibility to tenants during an emergency such as Hurricane Ida but each property has emergency plans and each resident has an evacuation plan on file with the management company that is reviewed and verified each year.

But, she added, those directives can only be put into action if an evacuation is ordered by the city.

"The plans for our senior properties include specific instructions for evacuation of the apartment buildings when a mandatory evacuation is declared," Brechtel said. "Without the city calling for a mandatory evacuation, the property management company did not have the authority to force tenants to evacuate."

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell has said that an evacuation wasn't ordered for the entire city because there wasn't enough time before the storm moved in. Ida quickly strengthened ahead of landfall, which came south of the city on Aug. 29. The storm's strongest winds hit New Orleans later that night, with gusts up to 99 mph recorded in the area.

What's Next?

The elderly and disabled who live on their own in these settings need more help when it comes to emergency planning and response, experts say.

"There’s a difference between being able to take care of yourself in terms of eating, showering without assistance … compared to driving yourself out of town, out of state, to evacuate. Those are two very, very different things," said Michelle Meyer, director of the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center at Texas A&M University and a researcher who studies disaster response.

Heat is especially dangerous.

"While those who are young, healthy and have money to spare can evacuate and afford a generator to keep them cool when the power goes out, those who rely on oxygen or do not have the money or transportation to evacuate are left in the heat," meteorologist Kait Parker said.

Jeff Schlegelmilch, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University's Earth Institute, said responsibility lies first with those who run the buildings and extends to local jurisdictions and, when possible, a network of family or friends.

"It is a shared responsibility across many stakeholders, but it starts with the facilities," Schlegelmilch said.

"Someone is giving these facilities business licenses, insuring them, and/or underwriting their operations. Those are all levers for mandating more substantial planning for these kinds of events in addition to more widespread state/local regulations."

Some residents of the evacuated buildings were on the city's special needs list. About 3,500 people were on the registry before Ida became a threat. Another 1,300 have since signed up, Avegno said.

The registry is a voluntary sign-up run by the health department that lets officials know where people live who rely on things like electricity-dependent healthcare support such as oxygen or ventilators so that they can receive assistance evacuating before a storm.

"What it is not really designed for is in a prolonged aftermath of a disaster to figure out what to do then," Avegno said.

(MORE: October-December Temperature Outlook)

One person who died after Ida was on the registry.

"One of the things that we’re definitely going to be looking at is that, if our problem is just as much post-storm as pre-storm, how can we better design and use the special needs registry so that we can reach out to you instead of waiting to figure out who’s reaching out to us," said Avegno.

She said there needs to be a better understanding of how many people live in each low-income senior housing building, how many are in wheelchairs, which buildings have generators, who’s the point of contact and other factors as the city looks at policy changes.

"So just really having that accountability and maybe a standard of what to expect during a disaster is what I think the regulations are going to focus on," said Avegno.

"Certainly I think it’s beyond the capability of any city to go to every single individual in need in a very short period of time but we definitely want to prioritize and work with these building managers, property owners who are receiving federal funding to have buildings like this, and make sure whatever the responsibility is that they can provide, that they’re doing it so we can focus on as many folks as we can."

Separately, a class-action lawsuit was filed Monday against Entergy, which provides electricity to much of the New Orleans area. Millions of people were left in the dark after Ida's winds caused what Entergy officials said was catastrophic damage to its power infrastructure.

In all, the Louisiana Department of Health as of Friday had confirmed at least a dozen deaths statewide due to excessive heat during power outages after Ida. The victims are among 29 whose deaths are being blamed on Ida, including several nursing home residents who were evacuated to a warehouse before the storm and at least six people who died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The tragedies highlight more than just the dangers of weather emergencies.

"We know that climate change is making our strongest hurricanes stronger, increasing the risk of losing power to a larger population and perhaps taking longer to restore," said Parker.

And as temperatures get warmer, especially overnight lows, there's less relief for those sweltering with no electricity.

"We are going to continue to see these kinds of disaster situations with increasing frequency and intensity across the country," said Schlegelmilch. "This is not a rare event that we can take a chance on whether or not it will happen. We need to act as though it will happen, and incorporate it into the cost of doing business, whatever that business is."

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

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