Saturday, November 21, 2020

Will La Niña Deliver Another Snowless Winter to the Northeast?

 Jonathan Erdman

Published: November 20, 2020

A strengthening La Niña may deliver another relatively snowless winter to parts of the Northeast following last season's paltry snow from New York City to Washington D.C.

A periodic cooling of the equatorial eastern and central Pacific Ocean, La Niña developed last summer and has shifted into a higher gear this fall.

La Niña and its warm counterpart El Niño can affect weather patterns thousands of miles away in the United States and around the world, particularly in winter.

In general, the polar jet stream in a La Niña winter buckles north over the North Pacific, then sweeps into the Pacific Northwest, dislodging cold air from Alaska into the Northwest, northern Rockies and Northern Plains.

But in the East, the jet stream tends to turn north, as high pressure dominates over the South and Southeast, pushing warmer air up the East Coast.

This is a typical winter pattern during La Niña. The actual conditions can vary with La Niña's strength and other factors influencing the weather on shorter time scales.

And, according to the latest winter outlook issued by The Weather Company, an IBM Business, December through February is expected to be quite warm in the East.

"From a historical perspective, the increasingly strong La Niña event would force an exceedingly warm winter across [the] southern/eastern U.S., especially late winter and early spring, with colder air across western Canada and parts of the northwestern and north-central U.S.," said Todd Crawford, chief meteorologist at The Weather Company.

The December 2020-February 2021 temperature outlook, from The Weather Company, an IBM Business.

Northeast Snow Impact

While a milder winter doesn't necessarily preclude snow, taking the winter temperature outlook graphic above at face value, you might expect more rain and less snow in the Northeast, particularly in the fall and spring.

In a 2017 study, NOAA Climate Prediction Center meteorologist Stephen Baxter examined October-through-April snowfall from 1950 to 2009 and found some general themes during a La Niña.

La Niña winter seasons tend to be snowier from the Pacific Northwest and northern Rockies to the Great Lakes, upstate New York and northern New England.

But there's more to that story – it also depends on how strong the La Niña is.

Baxter found weaker La Niña seasons were snowier in the Northeast, as well as parts of the nation's midsection.

However, strong La Niña seasons were much less snowy from southern New England to the mid-Atlantic states, as well as in parts of the central Plains.

Average seasonal snowfall in weak and strong La Niña seasons from 1950 through 2009. Strong La Niñas produced markedly less snow in a sizable part of the Northeast.

You can see the effect of a strong La Niña in seasonal snowfall statistics of many larger cities in the Northeast.

From 1950 to 2019, seasonal snowfall during 22 La Niñas was roughly average in Boston and New York, but lower than average in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Washington D.C.

During seven strong La Niñas, however, seasonal snowfall was reduced in all those cities – as much as 43% lower than average in Washington D.C.

Seasonal snowfall during 22 La Niñas and seven strong La Niñas, compared to 1950-2019 average in five Northeast cities. Strong La Niña seasons - in dark blue - reduced snowfall in each city.

This La Niña Could Be Strong

La Niña is already moderate strength as of mid-November, with sea-surface temperature anomalies of at least 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) below average.

Weekly sea-surface temperature anomalies - in degrees Celsius - Nov. 8-14, 2020. The blue arrows highlight the La Niña currently in place over the equatorial Pacific Ocean.

The latest outlook from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center released Monday expects La Niña to last through spring 2021.

Some forecast model guidance suggests a strong La Niña is possible, in which ocean temperature anomalies are at least 1.5 degrees Celsius colder than average. So this more bullish La Niña may be in play this winter.

Forecast model predictions in November 2020 of sea-surface temperature anomalies in the equatorial Pacific region defining La Niña. Most of the models suggest La Niña will last into spring 2021. A few models suggest the La Niña could become strong.

The Caveats

Aside from La Niña, there are a couple of additional factors that could throw a monkey wrench into this less snowy outlook.

One is the degree to which blocking in the upper levels of the atmosphere occurs near Greenland this winter.

When high pressure aloft forms near Greenland, it blocks the west-to-east flow of the jet stream, forcing it to take a sharp southward plunge into the eastern U.S.

The area of blocking high pressure near Greenland forces a southward plunge in the jet stream across the eastern states when the North Atlantic Oscillation is in its negative phase. This leads to persistent cold temperatures and the potential for East Coast snowstorms.

Known to meteorologists as the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation, or "Greenland block," this pattern delivers ample cold air from Canada and is an instigator for East Coast snowstorms.

How often this pattern develops in any winter season is difficult to forecast months ahead of time.

However, the lack of Greenland blocking so far in November in a La Niña suggests we may see less of this blocking pattern this winter, according to Crawford.

Another winter wild card difficult to forecast months in advance is the polar vortex.

This is a whirling cone of low pressure over the poles that is strongest in the winter months primarily in the stratosphere – a layer of the atmosphere about 6 to 30 miles above the ground – above the troposphere, where most of the weather with which you're familiar occurs.

When the polar vortex weakens, the cold air typically trapped in the Arctic can spill out into parts of Canada, the U.S., Asia and Europe because the jet stream becomes more blocked with sharp, southward meanders, sending more persistent cold air southward toward the mid-latitudes.

This weakening can be triggered by an abrupt warming of the stratosphere called sudden stratospheric warming.

Example of a weak polar vortex in winter.

When the polar vortex is strongest, cold air is less likely to plunge deep into North America or Europe (by strongest, we mean the generally west-to-east flow around the vortex is stronger than average).

Think of it as a wall – a stronger polar vortex helps to wall off cold, arctic air from the mid-latitudes.

An example of a strong polar vortex in winter.

A stubbornly strong polar vortex and a lack of Greenland blocking contributed to one of the least snowy winter seasons on record in 2019-20 in parts of the Northeast.

Neither Philadelphia nor Washington D.C. could scrape up a measly inch of snow the entire season combined. Only the 1972-73 season – a trace of snow – was less snowy in Philadelphia than 2019-20.

Holding their winter coats over their arms, pedestrians walk the Brooklyn Bridge during springlike temperatures nearing 70 degrees, in New York City on Jan. 12, 2020.

If a nor'easter did form, it either was too far offshore and moved away quickly, or lacked cold air. Most often, low pressure tracked well inland, instead of offshore, pumping warmer air into the East and taking snow off the table, particularly along the Interstate 95 urban corridor.

That all happened last winter with a weak El Niño. So we'll see if the Northeast Seaboard will have another relatively snowless winter with a stronger La Niña flexing its muscles.

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

The Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM.

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