Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tips for the perfect morning routine in summer

HEALTH Updated Feb. 28, 2020 3:33 PM

Kids, traffic, work deadlines, and every other stressful life event always seems to culminate in the morning. Exactly when you’re in a rush to head out, something will break, a child will cry, or coffee will spill. What if there was a way to prevent the most problematic and frustrating things from happening? It all starts with a little planning, and some time spent organizing your morning before it even gets a chance to sneak up on you.
We’ve all heard the morning mantras, “Early to bed, early to rise,” “The early bird gets the worm,” and so many more. That’s because the morning hours are some of the most important hours of your entire day. The morning is where the root of productivity, energy, and positivity stems from. By having a solid start to your morning, you can kickstart a prosperous rest of your day. How can you ensure a smooth go in the early hours? Let’s dive into some of the tips you can use to get you there.
smartwatch weather
Photo by Luke Chesser

Check the weather

The weather can easily make or break your day in one quick swoop. Although it is never possible to know exactly what the clouds, wind, and temperatures will do, having a rough gauge on what might happen can save you plenty of stress. Check the local weather for current conditions and the daily forecast each morning. You can better plan your outfits, whether you should bring your umbrella, what your outdoor activities will look like, and so much more. Staying in-the-know will help you avoid getting rained on, wearing the wrong shoes, or even when to cancel your outdoor lunch plans. Mother Nature can be your greatest ally, or she can quite literally rain on your parade. Plan accordingly in the morning and avoid the mishaps.
woman running in the morning
Photo by Emma Simpson

Start with exercise

One of the most beneficial ways to start your morning is by getting physical. By revving your engine early on, you can power up your body with more energy and enthusiasm to take on the day. The great part is that your options are limitless. A brisk jog around the neighborhood, laps around a pool, pumping iron at the local gym, a bike ride, or any other activity is a great way to get going. By getting your body going early, it can fuel your energy levels for the whole day and even carry you through the mid-afternoon slump.
Photo by Brooke Lark

Power up with a hearty breakfast

With so much going on at the start of the day, getting a good breakfast in your belly may be easier said than done. Breakfast is a great way to provide your body with the energy it needs. This will help you concentrate during those seemingly endless meetings, keep you pushing forward until lunch, and even boost your short-term memory. A balanced meal containing protein to keep you satiated, carbs to energize your body, and fiber to benefit your digestive system can make the difference between making it to your 1 pm meeting and snoozing at your desk.
Photo by Renáta-Adrienn

Set up your intentions for the day

Each morning is a fresh start and a renewed chance to make it a successful day. One of the best ways to set the tone for the day is by setting your intentions bright and early. With a clear picture and goals put in place, you are more likely to accomplish more meaningful activities and cross more off your to-do list. By setting aside time to establish your daily goals, you can be more organized in how you get things done. Make your list specific down to the how and when and narrow down your focus on exactly what needs to get completed to avoid being sidetracked and distracted by not having direction. At the end of the day, take a moment to acknowledge what you were able to do and set up your next morning goals with the same intention you did the previous day.

Stick to your commitments

Before the day gets ahead of you, the morning is the optimal time to establish that you will stick to your commitments. Meetings, phone calls, lunch dates, appointments, and everything else that falls within your day can quickly get away from you if concentrated efforts aren’t made to keep them. By sticking to those commitments right off the bat, it can dictate how your day goes.

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