Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tips for exercising outdoor in the humidity

When the humidity is high in your region, it is difficult to exercise outside your home. There are a few ways to make the physical activity safer and more comfortable. Here are some of the tips that are recommended by athletes and health care experts to make exercise easier when it is humid.
man running in hot, humid weather
Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel

Exercise Earlier in the Day

If the humidity is high in your region, then it will usually drop at night, so you can plan an early morning physical outdoor activity. Great choices are a brisk walk, jogging, and running, but you may prefer to ride a bicycle. When you begin your workout just as the sun is rising, you will enjoy cooler temperatures and less humidity.

Wear Natural Fabrics

It is better to wear natural fabrics when it is humid so that the perspiration on your skin can evaporate quickly. Look for cotton-rich shirts and shorts to wear while you are having a workout. Avoid wearing tight clothing that won't permit proper air circulation because this will make you feel hotter and more uncomfortable.

Keep Your Hair Away from Your Face and Neck

If you have longer hair, then keep it away from your face and neck so that you will remain cooler while exercising. You can tie your hair back, or you can wear a hat. When you choose to wear a hat, make sure that it has a mesh crown that permits air to flow around the top of your head.
water bottle in hand
Photo by Just Name

Drink a Lot of Water

To remain cooler in humid conditions, you must drink a lot of water. Begin drinking water as soon as you wake up, but remember that coffee or tea contains caffeine that will lead to increased urination. If you want to enjoy a caffeinated beverage, then wait until later in the day after you have cooled off from your exercise routine.

Plan a Shorter Workout Routine

When it is humid, you may need to plan a shorter workout routine to avoid feeling dehydrated or ill. You could have a morning routine outside, along with another workout at night. If you plan to exercise after it is dark, then use additional precautions, such as making sure that you are visible to others.

Take Frequent Breaks

While exercising outside when it is humid, make sure to take frequent breaks. Find a shady spot to sit for a few minutes to cool off before you continue a bicycle ride or a walk. Bring along a bottle of water so that you can replenish your body's fluids.
fruit bowl
Photo by Jo Sonn

Consume a Nutritious Diet

Don’t try to exercise without eating a nutritious diet, but also, you shouldn’t perform a strenuous physical activity right after eating a meal. By consuming a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, you can hydrate your body so prevent the problems that are caused by muscle cramps.

Stabilize Your Body’s Electrolytes

The electrolyte balance in your body will change when the weather is hot and humid. When you sweat, you will also lose chemicals that regulate your body’s responses. You can avoid cramping from muscle spasms by drinking sports drinks that contain certain ingredients.

Learn How to Breathe During Exercise

Breathing through both the nose and mouth at even intervals, and keeping a rhythm allows you to pace yourself. Avoid holding your breath and slow your pace if you find that you’re unable to catch your breath. Slow, even, deep breaths is the key. Proper breathing will enable you to be more comfortable, increase blood flow, and maintain focus.

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