Saturday, October 26, 2019

New York City metro-area forecast for October 26-November 24,2019

Here's the 30-day weather forecast for the New York City metro-area for the period of the last half-dozen days of October and the first 24 days of November (October 26-November 24),2019 from

Today,October 26: Turning cloudy,but remaining mild with a high temperature in the lower and middle 60's.As of 12PM,EDT,it's 62 degrees and sunny,with 50% humidity,in White Plains,NY and it's 60 degrees and mostly cloudy,with 50% humidity,in New York City.

Tonight: Becoming mostly cloudy and rainy with occasional late-night rain possible and a low temperature dropping to the lower and middle 50's,overnight.

Tomorrow,October 27: Becoming cloudy and rainy,but remaining unseasonably mild to warm for early-to-mid autumn and the end of October,with rain,heavy at times leading to flooding and a high temperature of 65-70 degrees.

Tomorrow night: Remaining mostly cloudy and unseasonably mild for the end of October,with a low temperature dropping to 50-55 degrees,overnight.

Monday,October 28: Remaining unseasonably mild,but turning dry and delightful,with periods of clouds and sun and a high temperature in the middle and upper 60's.Remaining mild with low clouds and fog developing and a low temperature dropping to the lower and middle 50's,overnight.

Tuesday,October 29: Becoming cloudy and rainy,once again,but remaining unseasonably mild for the end of October,with occasional rain and drizzle possible and a high temperature in the middle 60's,once again.Remaining mostly cloudy,rainy and unseasonably mild for the end of October,with on-and-off evening rain and drizzle possible and a low temperature dropping to 50-55 degrees, overnight.

Wednesday,October 30: Remaining unseasonably warm and balmy,but turning quite delightful for mid-autumn and the end of what has been one of the warmest Octobers on record for this area,with intervals of clouds and sunshine and a high temperature of around 70 degrees.Turning cloudy,but remaining unseasonably mild and dry with a low temperature dropping to the middle 50's,overnight.

Thursday,October 31: Halloween 2019 will be turning cloudy and rainy,once again,but remaining unseasonably mild and balmy for mid-autumn with more rain possible and a high temperature in the middle and upper 60's.Remaining cloudy,rainy and mild for mid-autumn,with rain at times and a low temperature dropping to either side of 50 degrees,overnight.

Friday,November 1: November 2019 begins by it turning cooler than recent days,with variable cloudiness and a chance for a couple of morning rain showers followed by sunshine and a high temperature in the upper 50's to lower 60's.Turning clear and much colder than recent nights,with a low temperature dropping to 40-45 degrees,overnight.

Saturday,November 2: Turning even cooler,as it turns much cooler than recent days,despite plenty of sunshine,with a high temperature in the middle 50's.Remaining clear,but turning even colder,with a low temperature dropping to 35-40 degrees,overnight.

Sunday,November 3: Becoming partly sunny,but remaining seasonably cool for mid-autumn and the beginning of November,with a high temperature in the lower and middle 50's.Becoming mainly clear,but remaining seasonably chilly to cold with a low temperature dropping to 35-40 degrees,once again,the blustery,biting,southwesterly winds,which could gust past 20-mph,at times,making it feel even colder,like it's only 25-30 degrees,at times,overnight.

Monday,November 4: Remaining seasonably cool to mild for very early November,with variable cloudiness and a chance for a couple of rain showers and a high temperature in the middle 50's.Becoming clear,once again,but remaining seasonably cold with a low temperature dropping,for the third straight night,down to 35-40 degrees,overnight.

Tuesday,November 5: Election Day 2019 will be turning mostly sunny and a bit milder than recent days with a slight chance for a rain shower and a high temperature of 55-60 degrees.Remaining clear and seasonably cold for early November,with a low temperature dropping,for the fourth straight night,down to 35-40 degrees,overnight.

Wednesday,November 6: Remaining sunny and mild with a high temperature of 55-60 degrees,once again.Not as cold as recent nights,with increasing cloudiness and a low temperature dropping to the upper 30's to lower 40's,overnight.

Thursday,November 7: Becoming mostly cloudy with a chance for a rain shower and a high temperature,for the third straight day,of 55-60 degrees.Becoming mainly clear,but remaining seasonably chilly for early November,with a low temperature dropping to the upper 30's to lower 40's,once again,overnight.

Friday,November 8: Remaining seasonably mild for mid-autumn with ample sunshine and a high temperature in the middle 50's.Remaining mainly clear and seasonably chilly to cold with a low temperature dropping to around 40 degrees,overnight.

Saturday,November 9: Remaining seasonably mild with plenty of clouds and a high temperature of 55-60 degrees.Remaining cloudy,but turning colder than recent nights,with plenty of clouds and a low temperature dropping to the middle 30's,overnight.

Sunday,November 10: Becoming mostly sunny,but remaining seasonably cool for mid-to-late autumn with a high temperature in the middle 50's.Remaining clear and seasonably cold with a low temperature dropping to the middle and upper 30's,the blustery,biting,northwesterly winds,which could gust past 20-mph,at times,making it feel even colder,like it's only 25-30 degrees,at times, overnight.

Monday,November 11: Veteran's Day 2019 will be remaining mostly sunny and seasonably cool to mild with a high temperature of 50-55 degrees.Remaining clear and seasonably cold with a low temperature dropping to the middle 30's,once again,the blustery,biting,northwesterly winds,which could gust up to 25-mph,at times,making it feel even colder,like it's only in the middle 20's,at times,overnight.

Tuesday,November 12: Remaining seasonably mild with brilliant sunshine and a high temperature of 50-55 degrees,once again.Remaining seasonably cold with patchy clouds and a low temperature dropping to the middle 30's,yet again,overnight.

Wednesday,November 13: Remaining seasonably cool for early-to-mid November,with times of clouds and sun and a high temperature,for the third straight day,of 50-55 degrees.Remaining clear and cold with a low temperature dropping to the lower and middle 30's,overnight.

Thursday,November 14: Remaining seasonably cool for mid-November,with increasing cloudiness and a high temperature in the upper 40's to lower 50's.Becoming mostly cloudy,but remaining seasonably cold with a low temperature dropping to the middle 30's,overnight.

Friday,November 15: Becoming cloudy,but remaining seasonably mild and dry with a high temperature of 50-55 degrees.Remaining cloudy,but turning rainy and not as cold as recent nights,with a chance for a little evening rain and a low temperature dropping to around 40 degrees, overnight.

Saturday,November 16: Remaining seasonably mild with a mix of sun and some clouds and a chance for a rain shower and a high temperature in the upper 40's to lower 50's.Becoming mainly clear and chilly to cold with a low temperature dropping to the upper 30's to lower 40's,overnight.

Sunday,November 17: Turning a bit milder than recent days,with a mix of clouds and sunshine and a high temperature in the lower and middle 50's.Turning cloudy and rainy and possibly wintry late with a chance for a little evening rain followed by a late-night wintry mix of rain and snow possible and a low temperature dropping to 35-40 degrees,overnight.

Monday,November 18: Remaining cloudy,rainy,raw,dank and dreary,with more rain possible and a high temperature in the upper 40's to lower 50's.Remaining cloudy,rainy,raw,dank and dreary,with periods of rain and a low temperature dropping to the upper 30's to lower 40's,the blustery,biting, northwesterly winds,which could gust up to 25-mph,at times,making it feel much colder,like it's only 25-30 degrees,at times,overnight.

Tuesday,November 19: Turning windy,but remaining raw and cool with a blend of clouds and sun and a high temperature of 50-55 degrees.Remaining partly cloudy,but turning colder than recent nights,with a low temperature dropping to the middle 30's,the blustery,biting,northwesterly winds, which could gust past 30-mph,at times,making it feel much colder,like it's only 20-25 degrees above zero,at times,overnight.

Wednesday,November 20: Remaining mostly cloudy and seasonably cool for late November and late autumn,with a high temperature in the upper 40's to lower 50's.Remaining mostly cloudy,raw and seasonably cold with a low temperature dropping to the middle 30's,once again,overnight.

Thursday,November 21: Remaining seasonably cool with intervals of clouds and sunshine and a high temperature of around 50 degrees.Remaining seasonably cold with patchy clouds and a low temperature dropping to the lower and middle 30's,overnight.

Friday,November 22: Becoming mostly sunny,but remaining seasonably cool to mild for late November,with a high temperature in the upper 40's to lower 50's.Remaining clear to partly cloudy and seasonably cold with a low temperature dropping to 30-35 degrees,overnight.

Saturday,November 23: Becoming mostly cloudy,but remaining seasonably cool for very late November,with a high temperature of around 50 degrees.Remaining mostly cloudy and cold,but dry with a low temperature dropping to 30-35 degrees,once again,the blustery,biting,nippy,southwesterly winds,which could gust up to 30-mph,at times,making it feel much colder,like it's only 15-20 degrees above zero,at times,overnight.

Sunday,November 24: Becoming mostly sunny,but remaining seasonably cool for very late November and late autumn,with a high temperature of 45-50 degrees.Becoming mainly clear and milder than recent nights,with a low temperature dropping to 35-40 degrees,overnight.

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