Monday, July 30, 2018

At least 24 injured, thousands lost power as Jongdari slammed into Japan

By Kristina Pydynowski, AccuWeather senior meteorologist
July 30, 2018, 8:07:28 AM EDT

Thousands lost power and two dozen people have been injured after Jongdari slammed into Japan with damaging winds and flooding rain this past weekend.
Jongdari made landfall in Mie Prefecture in southern Honshu on Saturday night, local time, as a typhoon with its strength equal to a Category 1 hurricane.
The storm is now a tropical storm off the southwestern coast of Japan.
Jongdari is expected to make a loop just south of Kyushu through Tuesday night. Downpours will continue to stream over southern parts of Kyushu and Shikoku with Jongdari nearby. Gusty winds can lead to sporadic wind damage along the coast.
The heaviest rain and greatest concern for local flooding and mudslides will be in the southern tip of Kyushu and the two northermost Ryukyu Islands.
Japan downpours July 30

Rough seas will also be stirred around the storm, creating dangers for boaters and anyone attempting to enter the water.
Jongdari is being blamed for causing injury to at least 24 people, according to NHK.
A window shattered at a hotel, believed to be due to Jongdari's strong winds, slightly injured five people in Atami. Two children are among those who sustained injuries. Meanwhile, an elderly woman broke her leg after being knocked down by the winds in the city of Chiba.
More than 158,000 homes lost power. This includes 8,300 homes across Tokyo and surrounding prefectures. Mie Prefecture, site of Jongdari's landfall, was hit the hardest with 88,000 homes put in the dark.
While the worst of the typhoon bypassed Tokyo, many flights still were either delayed or canceled at the city's two main airports, according to the Associated Press. Winds on Saturday evening gusted to 22.6 m/s (50.6 mph) at the Tokyo International Airport, where FlightAware reported that the number of canceled flights topped 180 on Saturday.
Police told the NHK that multiple vehicles have been swept away by pounding waves in Odawara City near Tokyo. Six people were reportedly rescued. One man that was reported to be missing has since been found safe.
Before reaching Kyushu, Jongdari spread soaking rain and gusty winds over the areas hardest hit by the flooding that killed at least 225 people earlier this month.
Kasatoriyama had one of the highest rainfall totals of the weekend with 189.5 mm (17.46 inches), followed by Minami-ise with 181 mm (17.16 inches).
Jongdari brought heat relief to many areas, but the opposite occurred along the northeastern coast. Temperatures spiked between 35 and 38 C (95 and 100 F) on Sunday and Monday in communities such as Kanazawa and Niigata as air flowed down the slopes of the mountains, heating up in the process.
Jongdari track July 30

Jongdari may finally begin to track away from Japan by midweek and it takes aim at eastern China.
The departure of Jongdari will be followed by building heat across southern and western Japan during the first days of August.

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