Saturday, May 26, 2018

New York City metro-area forecast for May 26-July 4,2018

Here's the 40-day weather forecast for the New York City metro-area for the period of the last half-dozen days of May, all of June and the first several days of July (May 26-July 4),2018 from

Tonight,May 26-27: Becoming mostly cloudy,warm and humid with a chance for a couple of showers and a thunderstorm possible and a low temperature dropping to around 70 degrees,overnight. As of 2:45AM,EDT,May 27,it's 72 degrees and mostly cloudy with 82% humidity,in White Plains,NY and it's 80 degrees and partly cloudy,with 63% humidity,making it feel like it's 82 degrees,in New York City. 

Tomorrow,May 27: Turning markedly cooler, as it turns seasonably warm with a scattered morning shower or thunderstorm followed by scattered drizzle and a high temperature holding at around 70 degrees.

Tomorrow night,May 27-28: Remaining cloudy and rainy with scattered drizzle and a low temperature dropping to the 55-60 degrees,overnight.

Monday,May 28: Memorial Day 2018 will be remaining mostly cloudy,seasonably warm and dry with a high temperature of 70-75 degrees.Turning out clear and warmer with a low temperature dropping to the lower and middle 60's,overnight.

Tuesday,May 29: Becoming partly sunny and hot,once again, with a high temperature of around 90 degrees,the light,northerly winds and high humidity levels making it feel very hot,once again, like it's 95-100 degrees,at times.Remaining clear and warm with a low temperature dropping to the middle 60's,once again,overnight.

Wednesday,May 30: Not as warm,but turning sunny and pleasant with a high temperature of around 80 degrees.Remaining mainly clear in the evening then turning mostly cloudy late with a low temperature dropping to the upper 50's to lower 60's,overnight.

Thursday,May 31: May of 2018 ends remaining warm with some early sun followed by increasing cloudiness and a high temperature of 75-80 degrees.Becoming mainly cloudy,but remaining warm and dry with a low temperature dropping to 65-70 degrees,overnight.

Friday,June 1: June of 2018 begins remaining warm,but turning cloudy with a chance for a couple of rain showers and a high temperature of around 80 degrees.Remaining cloudy and rainy with considerable cloudiness and chance for occasional rain and a low temperature dropping to the middle 60's,overnight.

Saturday,June 2: Remaining cloudy,rainy and stormy with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm possible and a high temperature of 75-80 degrees.Becoming partly cloudy with a chance for a passing evening rain shower possible and a low temperature dropping to the upper 50's to lower 60's, overnight.

Sunday,June 3: Becoming cloudy,once again,but remaining seasonably warm and dry with a high temperature in the middle 70's.Remaining mild to warm with clearing and a low temperature dropping to around 60 degrees,overnight.

Monday,June 4: Turning mostly sunny,warm and pleasant for the beginning of June with a high temperature in the upper 70's to lower 80's.Becoming cloudy,but remaining seasonably warm and dry with a low temperature dropping to around 60 degrees,once again,overnight.

Tuesday,June 5: Remaining mostly sunny,seasonably warm and pleasant for the end of one of the wettest,stormiest,soggiest springs on record,with a high temperature of 75-80 degrees.Becoming mainly clear and not as warm with a low temperature dropping to the middle 50's,overnight.

Wednesday,June 6: Becoming partly sunny,stormy,warm and humid with a chance for an afternoon thunderstorm which may be strong to severe and a high temperature in the lower and middle 80's.Becoming clear and warmer,with a low temperature dropping to 60-65 degrees,overnight.

Thursday,June 7: Turning cooler than recent days,with increasing cloudiness and a high temperature in the lower and middle 70's.Becoming mostly cloudy and seasonably mild to warm for early June and the end of spring,with a low temperature dropping to the middle 50's,overnight.

Friday,June 8: Remaining seasonably warm with times of sun and clouds and a high temperature of 75-80 degrees,the very light,southwesterly winds and high humidity levels making it feel even warmer,like it's 80-85 degrees,at times.Becoming cloudy,but remaining seasonably mild and dry with a low temperature dropping to 55-60 degrees,overnight.

Saturday,June 9: Remaining seasonably warm and humid,but turning cloudy and rainy with plenty of clouds and spotty afternoon rain showers and a high temperature of around 80 degrees.Remaining cloudy and rainy through the evening,followed by clearing with a chance for occasional evening rain possible and a low temperature dropping to around 60 degrees,overnight.

Sunday,June 10: Becoming cloudy,rainy,stormy,seasonably warm and muggy with a chance for a couple of morning showers followed by more showers and thunderstorms possible and a high temperature in the middle 70's.Remaining cloudy and rainy with a chance for a little rain and a low temperature dropping to 60-65 degrees,overnight.

Monday,June 11: Remaining mostly cloudy and warm with a high temperature in the lower and middle 70's.Remaining warm with clearing and a low temperature dropping to 60-65 degrees,once again,overnight.

Tuesday,June 12: Remaining seasonably warm and humid with variable cloudiness and a chance for a scattered afternoon shower or thunderstorm possible and a high temperature of 75-80 degrees.Remaining partly cloudy,warm and humid,with a scattered evening shower or thunderstorm possible and a low temperature dropping,for the third straight night,down to 60-65 degrees,overnight.

Wednesday,June 13: Becoming mostly sunny,seasonably warm and pleasant with a high temperature of 75-80 degrees,once again.Remaining mainly clear,warm and pleasant with a low temperature dropping to around 60 degrees,overnight.

Thursday,June 14: Remaining pleasantly warm,if a bit cool for mid-June and the end of spring,with times of clouds and sun and a high temperature in the middle 70's.Remaining partly cloudy with a chance for a late rain shower and a low temperature dropping to 60-65 degrees,overnight.

Friday,June 15: Remaining pleasantly warm for mid-June with a blend of clouds and sun and a chance for an afternoon rain shower and a high temperature of 75-80 degrees.Remaining partly cloudy,warm and humid with a low temperature dropping to 60-65 degrees,once again, overnight.

Saturday,June 16: Turning cloudy,but remaining seasonably warm and dry with considerable cloudiness and a high temperature of 75-80 degrees,once again.Remaining cloudy with considerable cloudiness and a low temperature dropping,for the third straight night,down to 60-65 degrees, overnight.

Sunday,June 17: Father's Day 2018 will be remaining cloudy,seasonably warm and humid with a high temperature,for the third straight day,of 75-80 degrees.Remaining mainly cloudy,warm and muggy with a low temperature dropping to 65-70 degrees,overnight.

Monday,June 18: Remaining rather cloudy and seasonably warm for mid-to-late June and the last days of spring,with a high temperature of around 80 degrees.Becoming partly cloudy,but remaining warm with a low temperature dropping to 65-70 degrees,once again,overnight.

Tuesday,June 19: Becoming partly sunny,warm and humid with a high temperature in the upper 70's to lower 80's,the light,sultry,westerly winds and high humidity levels making it feel even warmer,like it's in the middle and upper 80's,at times.Becoming cloudy and rainy with a chance for a little rain and a low temperature dropping to the middle 60's, overnight.

Wednesday,June 20: The last (full) day of the 2018 spring season;one of the wettest,stormiest,coldest,soggiest, dreariest springs on record,will be turning cloudy,rainy,stormy,warm and humid with a chance for a couple of morning showers and a thunderstorm possible and a high temperature in the upper 70's to lower 80's,once again.Remaining cloudy,rainy and stormy through the evening followed by clearing with a chance for a scattered evening shower or thunderstorm possible and a low temperature dropping to the middle 60's,once again, overnight.

Thursday,June 21: The first day of the 2018 summer season (the 2018 Summer Solstice),will be turning partly sunny,but remaining seasonably warm with a high temperature of around 80 degrees.Becoming clear,but remaining seasonably warm for late June with a low temperature dropping,for the third straight night,down to the middle 60's,overnight.

Friday,June 22: The first FULL day of the 2018 summer season will be remaining seasonably warm with increasing cloudiness and a high temperature in the upper 70's to lower 80's.Becoming cloudy and rainy with a chance for an evening rain shower and a low temperature dropping,for the fourth straight night,down to the middle 60's,overnight.

Saturday,June 23: Becoming cloudy,rainy and stormy with a chance for a couple of showers and a thunderstorm for the fifth straight Saturday,and a high temperature of around 80 degrees.Remaining cloudy,rainy,stormy,soggy,dank and dreary with a chance for a couple of evening showers and a thunderstorm followed by some late-night rain and a low temperature dropping to 65-70 degrees,overnight.

Sunday,June 24: Becoming mostly sunny and warmer than recent days,with a high temperature of 85-90 degrees.Becoming mostly cloudy and rainy with a chance for a little late-night rain possible and a low temperature dropping to around 70 degrees,overnight.

Monday,June 25: Becoming mostly cloudy,but remaining very warm with a high temperature in the middle 80's.Remaining warm and humid with patchy clouds and a low temperature dropping to the upper 60's to lower 70's,overnight.

Tuesday,June 26: Not as warm,but remaining humid with partial sunshine and a chance for a couple of scattered afternoon thunderstorms possible and a high temperature in the upper 70's to lower 80's.Remaining partly cloudy,warm and humid with a chance for some widely separated evening thunderstorms possible and a low temperature dropping to around 70 degrees,overnight.

Wednesday,June 27: Becoming mostly sunny,very warm and humid with a high temperature in the middle and upper 80's.Remaining clear,warm and muggy,with a low temperature dropping to the upper 60's to lower 70's, overnight.

Thursday,June 28: Turning hot and humid with brilliant,blazing sunshine and a high temperature of 85-90 degrees,the very light,sultry,northwesterly winds and high humidity levels making it feel very hot,like it's in the middle 90's,at times.Remaining clear to partly cloudy,warm and humid with a low temperature dropping to the upper 60's to lower 70's,once again,overnight.

Friday,June 29: Remaining mostly sunny,quite warm and sticky with a high temperature of 85-90 degrees,once again.Remaining partly cloudy,warm and humid with a scattered late-night shower or thunderstorm possible and a low temperature dropping to around 70 degrees,overnight.

Saturday,June 30: June of 2018 ends remaining very warm and humid with times of clouds and sun and a high temperature in the middle 80's,the sultry,light,southwesterly winds and high humidity levels making it feel even hotter,like it's 90-95 degrees,at times.Remaining partly cloudy,rainy, stormy,warm and muggy with scattered evening thunderstorms possible and a low temperature dropping to 70-75 degrees,overnight.

Sunday,July 1: July of 2018 begins remaining very warm and steamy,with variable cloudiness a chance for a couple of afternoon thunderstorms possible and high temperature of 85-90 degrees,the light,sultry,southwesterly winds and high humidity levels making it feel very hot,like it's in the middle 90's,at times.Remaining mostly cloudy,rainy,stormy,warm and muggy,with a chance for a couple of evening thunderstorms possible and a low temperature dropping to 70-75 degrees, once again,overnight.

Monday,July 2: Remaining rainy,stormy,quite warm and sticky with a mix of sun and some clouds and a chance for a couple of thunderstorms possible and a high temperature of 85-90 degrees,once again,the light,sultry,southwesterly winds and high humidity levels making it feel very hot,like it's in the middle and upper 90's,at times.Remaining mostly cloudy,rainy,stormy,warm and muggy with a chance for a couple of showers and thunderstorms possible and a low temperature dropping to around 70 degrees,overnight.

Tuesday,July 3: More of the same steamy,sticky story as it remaining very warm and sticky with a mix of clouds and sun and a chance for a couple of showers and a thunderstorm possible and a high temperature of 85-90 degrees.Remaining mostly cloudy,rainy,stormy,warm and muggy,with more showers and thunderstorms leading to flooding and a low temperature dropping to around 70 degrees,once again, overnight.

Wednesday,July 4: Independence Day (the Fourth of July), 2018 will be remaining very warm,sticky,stormy and muggy as the steam-bath continues;with times of clouds and sun and ever-present showers and thunderstorms possible and a high temperature in the middle 80's.Remaining mostly cloudy,rainy,and stormy with a chance for more showers and thunderstorms for the sixth straight night and a low temperature dropping to 65-70 degrees,overnight.

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